Men’s Rosaries and Birthstone Alternates, Part II

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In my previous post, I asked: What do men want in a rosary? What is appealing and helpful? To the ladies reading: what would your husband/fiance/father/son/grandson like a rosary? Plain, no frills, traditional black (wood or glass or onyx) Plain, … Read More

Rosaries for Men and Birthstone Alternates, Part I

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My husband recently asked me to rebuild his 30-year-old rosary, which originally had some unidentified black colored material for the Aves and carved-wood Paters (also dyed black). This led to a discussion of the aesthetics of rosaries for women vs. … Read More

The Rosary Hospital is open!

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Lately I’ve been asked by several people to fix broken rosaries, so I decided to actually note on my website that I do rebuild rosaries (and rosary bracelets). I say ‘rebuild’ rather than ‘repair’, since one of the primary things … Read More

A custom First Holy Communion rosary

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This rosary was made for a young gentleman I know; his mother requested the Blessed Sacrament medal wire-wrapped center and the Sri Lanka sapphire beads she had seen on another rosary that was previously sold.

Custom rosaries #3 – a pair of complimentary rosaries

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Third post of latest custom rosaries.  I so enjoyed the artistic challenge of creating complimentary rosaries and discovering exactly the right medals in my collection!

Time flies…when you are preparing for the Sacraments of Initiation

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This is the time of the year to be thinking about reception-of-sacrament gifts as First Communions and Confirmations are quickly approaching, and I would be honored to create a rosary for such a wonderful occasion or for birthdays/anniversaries/weddings/other special occasions.  I am … Read More

January (rosary and bracelet) finally online

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I am so happy to have the January rosary (siam Preciosa crystals) and rosary bracelet finally on the website; I have been so under the weather health-wise. (Your prayers for some resolution to the current health issues would be most appreciated.) … Read More

Happy New Year, O Church! The First Sunday in Advent

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Introit for Advent I: Ad te levávi ánimam meam: Deus meus, in te confíde, non erubéscam: neque irrídeant me inimíci mei: étenim univérsi, qui te exspéctant, non confundéntur. Vias tuas, Dómine, demónstra mihi: et sémitas tuas édoce me. V. Glória … Read More

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