Men’s Rosaries and Birthstone Alternates, Part II

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8mm black onyx (Aves) and 14mm Venetian Sommerso blown-glass Aves

In my previous post, I asked: What do men want in a rosary? What is appealing and helpful? To the ladies reading: what would your husband/fiance/father/son/grandson like a rosary?

  1. Plain, no frills, traditional black (wood or glass or onyx)
  2. Plain, no frills, a darker birthstone (e.g., amethyst, black pearl) or natural stone (e.g., lapis lazuli, various agates, fire agate, tourmaline, labradorite)
  3. A bit more unique (unusual/contrasting Paters; unusual center/crucifix/medals; bronze instead of silver)
  4. A rosary customized to my family (husband, wife, children’s birthstones) but not ‘feminine’

Please comment and help me understand what is appealing and inspiring.

8mm true tourmaline beads (October birthstone)

red tiger eye oval beads
red tiger eye oval beads

8mm lapis lazuli
8mm lapis lazuli

8mm Botswana agates
8mm Botswana agates

8mm true amethysts
8mm true amethysts

Mixed natural Indian agates with a St. Michael protection center
Mixed natural Indian agates with a St. Michael protection center