A custom First Holy Communion rosary

This rosary was made for a young gentleman I know; his mother requested the Blessed Sacrament medal wire-wrapped center and the Sri Lanka sapphire beads she had seen on another rosary that was previously sold. I used 8mm Sri Lanka sapphires for the Aves and 10mm lighter blue aquamarines for the Paters, surrounding them with miniature Jerusalem crosses.

Because it was going to a young man, I decided to make the wire-wrapped frame of the Blessed Sacrament medal into a shield shape, with some nods to chain mail. The frame uses wire weaving, wire wrapping, and a flat form of Viking knit, all in sterling wire. Wirework often has a mind of its own, and this frame ended up much more ornate than I originally envisioned! The medal itself is aluminum that has seen some wear from devotional use. Originally, it would have been on a set of 33 beads, on which the petition on the reverse would have been prayed 33 times (in honor of the years of Our Lord’s life on earth): Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, have mercy on us. This was an indulgenced devotion with an indulgence of 300 years each time it was prayed, as is also noted on the medal.

I have always been fond of the Blessed Sacrament medal; the depiction of Christ blessing the communicant with a kiss, like a parent, while also administering Holy Communion, touches my heart.

The cross is a Christus Vivens (“Living Christ”) crucifix, also in aluminum; the reverse reads “I AM the Resurrection and the Life”.

This is a big rosary for a typical First Communicant, but he will grow into it as he grows in the Faith, I am certain!

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