Custom family birthstones rosary

This custom rosary has the birthstones of the customer, her husband, her parents, and her daughters as the decades of Ave beads:
mother – rock crystal (one of the traditional birthstones for March; the most common one is diamond)
father – blue Indian agates, one of the traditional birthstones for December
daughters – faceted rubies (both daughters were born in July)
herself – topaz fire-polished crystal (November)
husband – faceted true garnets (January)

The composite Pater beads consist of large potato pearls framed with silver rosebuds. The center is an antique Holy Family center, with the little-known Three Loving Hearts devotion icon on the reverse: the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and the French devotion to the Faithful Heart of St. Joseph, pictured as a heart protecting the lily that represents Our Lady.

The crucifix is a silver-plated reproduction. The customer chose her own birthstone and those of her parents for the three Virtue Ave beads on the drop (“For an increase in the virtues of Faith, Hope, and Charity”). Silver-filled wire is used throughout, with small crystal wire-wrapped links connecting the crucifix, center, and decades.

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