The Rosary Hospital is open!

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Lately I’ve been asked by several people to fix broken rosaries, so I decided to actually note on my website that I do rebuild rosaries (and rosary bracelets). I say ‘rebuild’ rather than ‘repair’, since one of the primary things about my rosaries is that they are unbreakable, with fully wire-wrapped loops on every part, which keeps them from breaking in the first place.

To see what normal loops look like after even a short time of use, click on this picture:

plain loops
plain loops

Note how the loops are not round, not closed, and the portion of the wire that goes through the bead is of inconsistent sizes.

Now take a look at these comparisons of simple loops and wire-wrapped loops:

comparison plain and wrapped loops 1
comparison plain and wrapped loops 1
comparison of plain and wrapped loops with added Paters
comparison of plain and wrapped loops with added Paters

The first picture shows both a simple loop (in the front) and a wire-wrapped loop (behind). The second picture has only one simple loop (at the very back) and shows the wrapped loops of the rebuilt rosary. Missing Paters have been replaced with composite Paters.

I rebuild the broken rosary with the same fully wire-wrapped loops as on my one-of-a-kind rosaries, using the center, crucifix, beads, and any devotional medals from your broken rosary. If you need to have parts replaced–so often a broken rosary is missing beads!–I can supply additional beads that compliment the originals, or supply replacement centers or crucifixes.

To arrange for a rebuild, go to Rosary Hospital.

You can also email me with your questions.

I look forward to restoring your beloved rosary!

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